Our relationship to food is unique, shaped by our individual stories and experiences. At Pattern Nutrition, we care about helping you nurture this relationship and we are here to guide you as you do so. It is never too late to make a positive change.

1:1 Nutrition Support

At Pattern Nutrition, we offer comprehensive 3-month Pattern Nutrition packages (with the option to continue) designed to support your health and wellness goals. Each package includes an initial 60-minute consultation, two 30-minute follow-up consultations each month to track progress, a comprehensive nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement protocol, and in-between session support via your client portal. These packages can be taken as an individual or a couple.

For those who struggle with their relationship to food, and making lasting behaviour change, we offer the "Pattern Your Habits" coaching support. Unlike the other packages, this one features a flexible monthly coaching subscription, allowing you to receive ongoing support for as long as you need.

Pattern Your Plate

Are you looking to adopt healthier eating habits or want advice on your current food choices and lifestyle? Pattern Your Plate will support you with the tools you need for overall health and well-being.

Pattern Your Gut

From digestive discomfort to focusing on gut health, Pattern Your Gut addresses issues like diarrhoea, acid reflux, and constipation. Restore balance and vitality to your digestive system.

Pattern Your Hormones

Struggling with a hormonal issue? Find tailored solutions and support for PCOS, PMS, Endometriosis, perimenopause or menopause with our Pattern Your Hormones package.

Pattern Your Skin

Tried everything to improve your skin with no results? Discover how nutrition can help with a personalised approach to improving skin conditions like acne, and overall skin health.

Pattern Your Bloods

Does your recent tests show high cholesterol, blood pressure or pre-diabetes? Let’s work together to improve your biomarkers and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Pattern Your Energy

Want to improve your energy? Reduce fatigue and conquer energy crashes with our targeted solutions for combating 3 PM slumps and maintain vitality throughout the day.

Pattern Your Fertility

Are you on a fertility journey? Prepare for conception and support your fertility journey with trimester 0 to 3-month preconception guidance, including assistance for IVF.

Pattern Your Habits

Do you struggle with binge eating, emotional eating, chronic dieting or behaviour change? Find food freedom and your healthy pattern for life through monthly coaching sessions.

Book your free call to discover more.


  • Packages: These structured programs last 3 months and are designed to address specific health concerns or goals within a focused timeframe. Each package includes an in-depth protocol developed after the initial consultation.

    Coaching: This option provides ongoing support for as long as needed, whether it’s a few months or a couple of years. It’s perfect for those who have been on and off the diet train for a long time and are looking for a deeper exploration of their current patterns. Coaching focuses not just on what you eat but also on the why and the how, helping you improve your relationship with food, establish lasting habits, and manage health concerns at a more gradual pace. It incorporates homework, goal setting, and a blend of nutrition and psychology to support meaningful change over time.

    Both options are tailored to support your unique health journey, providing the guidance and tools needed to achieve your wellness goals. To summarise, the coaching goes deeper and slower whilst the packages are more intensive.

  • We focus on providing comprehensive support through structured packages to ensure lasting results, so we don't offer one-off sessions.

    This approach helps you achieve your long-term health goals more effectively.

  • You can continue your journey with monthly coaching or purchase extra sessions.

  • While discounts aren't generally available, please reach out if finances are a concern.

  • Each package is thoughtfully designed to address unique health issues through targeted nutrition, lifestyle and supplement strategies.

    Whether you're focusing on restoring ovulation with PCOS, finding a solution for bloating, improving acne appearance, or reducing your blood cholesterol, we’ll work together to explore how personalised nutrition and lifestyle support can help you achieve your health goals

  • We don't write meal plans because they don't teach you how to create balanced and nourishing meals on your own.

    Instead, we guide you on how to make balanced, and nutritious meals, analyse your food diary to help you improve your current eating habits, curate personalised recipe packs for you, and collaborate with you to build your “bank” of recipes.

Have more questions? Click the button to get in touch.